Friday, March 18, 2011

Little Grass Shack!

So, what would you buy for this gorgeous little house on Maui, not to far from a marine preserve? This is one of those amazing places--and there was a for sale sign on it and everything when we were there. Oh, I have to tell you, that in my wildest dreams, I'd end up in a house like that. Which I suppose shows just how wild my dreams can get.

The truth of the matter is, all of us in the US are more wealthy, more comfortable than many other people in the world--and our current state of affairs, even though they be poor ones, show us to be wealthier than many on the planet.

I went to the vegetable market today and filled our fridge with good things. Many people don't have a fridge, and consider themselves blessed to have one meal a day. And we don't stop to say "Thank You" to the One who is "the giver of every good and perfect gift."

Sometimes, His gifts come in funny wrapping paper and it is hard to recognize them as gifts at all. The loss of a job. The loss of a relationship. The loss of a loved one, who fought valiantly against the ravages of cancer. Those crisis points--a sudden surgery, a sudden accident seem like rotten intruders. BUT--and this is big--when God brings something into our lives, it is for our ultimate good and His glory. If we love a job more than Him, we need a reality check, because He's the King of the Universe. If we love any human person more than Him, they have become for us an idol. But when we give Him first place in our lives, when He gets the surrender of our hearts, and our wills to His--wow. Because everyone has trouble--hey, we live in a sin filled world. But if you know the Messiah, He turns those troubles to gold in your life. He refines you in the process and makes you more able to see His goodness and His plan. And when you don't crumble like a cracker people under the stress, because you are abiding in Him, people wonder what you're doing that's so different. And then you can tell them that you have a faithful, loving, Great God most High who has lavished His love on you in Messiah and He makes no mistakes. I don't need this little grass shack. What He's preparing for me because He's poured His grace on my heart and opened my eyes to my sin and need for forgiveness is HUGE. Heaven is way better than Hawaii. One day, because of a righteousness that has been gifted to me, that I don't deserve, I will be there. And the flowers will be more fragrant than any I've ever smelled here. There won't be a sun, the Lord will be the Light. No tears, no crying, no sorrow, no illness, no pain. In the meantime, I want to help as many people as I can go there too! There's an invitation with your name on is the time to RSVP.....
Click on the link below to discover your invitation to joy in Him:

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