Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Bit of Honey for the heart....

I haven't posted anything for a while--not because I haven't been swimming, but because life has been so busy. I didn't quite hit my swimming goal for 2010, but that's ok...this is a new year, with new possibilities as well as new challenges. So far this year, I've done a mile in the pool five times--and considering how busy things have been, I'm ok with that. I remember when I could only go 10 laps before I felt "done in." I remember when the idea of lap swimming seemed ridiculous to me. So I'm grateful for where I am at with this, because I know it is because of God's graciousness that I'm able to do these laps at all...

We all need a bit of honey for the heart. And thinking about victories won, progress made, even though it is very small and incremental is good---thinking about the goodness of God and His faithfulness is a real help. Right now, we are dealing with a number of situations that are hard and heartbreaking, but the Lord's Word continues to be sweet, and is providing honey for our hearts in a time that could make our spirits sour if we allowed it. But by the grace of God, we are continuing to swim through these waters together with peace from Him, which is not of our doing, but our Messiah's.

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