Friday, October 29, 2010

RE: Long time no hear

Sometimes you spend time living life to the point where being on the internet seems like a waste of time. I'm grateful to be recovered from my post-trip ear infection which kept me out of the pool. And that's ok. I so much wanted to hit 50 miles by December, and I don't know if I'm going to make it or not. Perfectionism isn't all that it's cracked up to be, and quite frankly, I'm counting on the perfections of Another, my Messiah. I'm learning that I can rest in Him, really rest in Him. A brilliant book by Dr. David Powlison called "Seeing With New Eyes" has been a huge help to me. I am learning to look through the lens of Scripture in new ways, and that's really changing things. It's a bit of honey for the heart, as it were. So I'm writing to say that I'm thankful for so much today--and even thought there is much that is still slightly askew in my world (at least in the perfect world of my imagination, I am thankful that I can rest in the perfections of Y'shua. He's sees the end from the beginning, and is always at work. I'm still hoping to reach some goals that I've prayerfully set, but those goals don't seem nearly as important as learning how to love as He loves and walk as He walked. Goodbye, blah-ville. I'm taking the exit ramp ahead and don't intend to look back in the rear view mirror for any amount of money. :-)

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